“Any church not involved in the Great Commission has forfeited its Biblical right to exist.” Oswald J. Smith. A congregation that is not deeply and earnestly involved in the worldwide proclamation of the Gospel does not understand the nature of salvation. Whatever we do, we must not treat the Great Commission like it’s the Great Suggestion. Every Christian a missionary; every non-Christian a mission-field. The way you store up treasure in heaven is by investing in getting people there. “The Gospel is only good news if it gets to people in time.” Carl F.H. Henry.

The real road of compassion, that is, giving, helping, assistance and community service, is a road that can be set and declared as your life’s purpose. People appreciate and never forget that helping hand especially when times are tough. Take the time to help other people without expecting a reward or gratitude is definitely important in living an optimistic life. Nothing exalts the soul or gives it a sheer sense of buoyancy and victory so much as being used to change the lives of other people. Make each new day count by helping someone or just making someone smile. The real point is that we all need help somewhere along life’s path whether we think we will or not. And, if you are the one giving and helping, just remember this: no matter what happens later, you will always be secure in the fact knowing that you have remained strong and true to assist those that need your help.

We have managed to refurbish a burnt house into ashes for Makena’s family a beneficiary in our Church within a span of two week! This family had only that grass thatched hut as their only house where they lost all their belongings! A.I.C Kanzinwa Church managed to raise 75% of total resettlement items while Compassion International Inc Kenya Field Office contributed the remaining 25% to resettle this family. We have all reasons to thank God and even smile since this family won’t neither be rained on nor spend for a night in cold among other risks such snake bites! The church has contributed domestic items, iron sheets, timbers, food stuffs and a door while Compassion International Inc Kenya Inc. Field office supported by purchasing clothes, food stuffs and labour for the mason